Welcome to Week 9 Term 1

Kia Ora Kāhikatea whānau Wow, Week 9 already! The term is flying by. It's been a different kind of week with many children in our classes away. The children have impressed us by the resilience shown, both by those isolating and learning from home, as well as those at school where they have had to adapt to new routines and changes. Thank you for your continued support in keeping your child home if they are sick and testing if they show any symptoms. Hopefully, we are through the peak of covid in Kahikatea. We have noticed during learning through play that children are playing and interacting with different groups and making friends with those they don't usually play with. Fort building is still a favourite even on wet days as well as the blocks which have been used to create army bases, a kingdom, a castle and even a school. Swimming We are swimming this week. Please bring your togs every day. Library Tuesday: Room 15 Roller Skating Fridays at lunchtime if your c...