Today the children in Room 15 finished their pepeha artwork. We are so pleased with how it has turned out and that everyone was able to share the special places their family whakapapa to. Check out some of the artwork below:
Some of the children have been using the Stop Motion Animation app on the ipads to create stories during play-based learning. Here is one about a garden, some honey bees and a bee keeper.
Kia ora! A big welcome back to all families to the 2022 school year at St Mary's Rotorua. We trust that all parents, caregivers and children were able to have an enjoyable summer break and profit from the warm fine days we experienced. We hope that children are refreshed and ready for a great year of learning in Year 3. It was great to meet so many families last week at the Meet the Teacher sessions on Thursday and Friday. As we explained, Year 3 classes will be operating a bit differently from past years at St Mary's. We will be running a play-based learning programme in the mornings and Year 3 children will no longer be using their own Chromebooks in class. The three Year 3 classes of Room 15 (Miss Bowie) Room 16 (Mr Bach) and Room 17 (Mrs Tiedt) will be collaborating during play-based learning and in the teaching of reading and maths groups. As such, we will be operating as a separate team to the Year 4 classes in Middle School Kahikatea. Year 4 classes will be involved with...
Good morning on this wonderful, wet Sunday morning. I hope you are all managing to stay warm and dry. We had a very rewarding week of testing reading, writing and maths last week. The children have worked hard this year so far and it can certainly be seen in the gains that they have made. Once again, St Mary's provides our children with many opportunities to participate in a variety of sports and activities. Young Vinnies have the finals of the Talent Quest tomorrow at 9.15 am in the hall. Congratulations to those who are in the finals. Remember to be prepared and bring any props, clothes etc which you may need. The rest of the school look forward to watching and seeing the talent in our school. The Ripper Rugby Tournament is scheduled for this Wednesday, with Friday as the postponement day. This event has been postponed twice already so let’s hope that it happens this time. The interschool Cross Country is scheduled for Tuesday, wit...
The Matariki Holiday was a special day with much celebration around the country. The three-day weekend was also a chance to recharge the batteries, as we come to the end of term. There have been many sicknesses over the last few weeks in our community, we appreciate parents keeping children at home when they are sick to limit the spread of viruses. All the children of Rooms 15, 16 and 17 gave Mr Back warm birthday wishes last week, which he really appreciated. Our Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass was great last Thursday. A particular thanks to Mrs Mines and Mrs Dobson for their preparation and of course their enthusiasm as Directors of Religious Studies. Thanks to Mrs Dinniss for taking our Ripper teams to the Regional tournament, Mr G for taking the Chess team to their competition and Mrs Holmes for taking the golfers away for their ‘give it a go’ day. All students acquitted themselves very well by all accounts. Thanks also to Shanelle who is doing all the support work so these trips can go...
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