
Showing posts from February, 2022

Play based learning - making music

This week one of the teacher-led provocations was making musical instruments from a variety of materials.  We chose to make shakers and noticed that we could produce different sounds by adjusting the size of our rolls, how much rice we put in and by filling them with different things.  We compared the sound made.  The curriculum area we were covering was The Arts.

Welcome to Week 5 Term 1

Welcome to Week 5 and our first week of swimming in 2022. Last week we introduced the children to their Maths groups, so we now have both our Maths and Reading programmes up and running. Our next step is to reintroduce the Structured Literacy programme to the children, following on from the testing completed last week. It was really good to be able to celebrate Mass together as a school last Friday on the field. We heard lots of comments from children saying it was so cool being outside for this celebration. This Wednesday starts the season of Lent and Ash Wednesday Liturgies are planned ] As you have probably heard there have been cases of covid at St Mary's and all appropriate action has been taken in getting those involved to isolate and in dealing with close contacts. Please read the covid updates that are sent out regularly. Mr Macmillan and all teaching staff would like to remind you that if your child is unwell they must stay home. Ministry of Health Advice is: You and

Teddy Bear Picnic

  24.2.22 Dear parents and whānau,  Tomorrow for Golden Time Room 15 will be having a Teddy Bear Picnic. They are allowed to bring 1 teddy or stuffed toy to school to share with the class. Kind regards,  Sophie Bowie

Play Based Learning - Art Week!

Our provocation focus for the past fortnight has been The Arts. The children have enjoyed sketching, tracing, colouring and crafting.  One provocation involved using protractors to make flowers. This was challenging because protractors are a new piece of equipment to year 3's.  On Monday morning we had some very heavy rain and the drain outside our classroom overflowed! The children used this opportunity to make paper boats to see if they would float.  Having introduced maths workshops this week, the children have Must Do's (follow up activities) to complete before Friday. Here's some children getting their Must Do's done early.  Have a great Wednesday!

Welcome to Week 4 Term 1

  Kia ora koutou, Welcome to week 4, we hope you have had a lovely weekend thus far. The year 3's have settled really well into school and have adjusted to classroom routines beautifully. Last week we introduced guided reading into our morning programme and this week guided maths groups will take place as well. As posted last week, Maths Whizz is able to be used at home. Sunshine Classics will also be up and running this week.  Last week, the children completed their own statistical investigation. When learning about tally marks, we used the different coloured cars on Ranolf Street to collect data.  On Friday, your children were sent home with their Pepeha and the following notice:  Kia ora whānau, The children in Room 15 are writing their pepeha and need a bit more information. With so many wonderful cultures in our school, I am unfamiliar with the landmarks in some countries. If you could help your child find out what the closest maunga (mountain) and awa (river) OR roto (lake) O

Maths Whizz 2022

  The year 3's completed their Maths Whizz assessment yesterday and are now good to go using it at home.   It would be great if you could encourage your child to use Maths-Whizz regularly at home.  Aim for 60 - 90 minutes usage and 4 progressions per week.

Play Based Learning and Science

Children have a huge range of free play options during the morning play-based learning session. There are options both indoors and out and they are all being fully explored by children in Rooms 15, 16 and 17. Teachers will also be offering teacher-lead provocations to link play to curriculum learning. Below are some photos of children involved with free play and science provocations offered by Mr Bach.


Here is the artwork we made of ourselves. We cut out the bodies, hair and clothing then coloured it in. Next we glued it together then added googly eyes. We hope you love it!

Welcome to Week 3 Term 1

Welcome to Week 3.  We had a wonderful week last week getting to know each other. This week we will be starting our Guided Reading groups.  Please encourage your child to read at home for 20 minutes each day.   Thank you for organising stationary so promptly. There is a backlog with some orders but we are sure they will be arriving soon. We do not have swimming this week, our turn will start in week 5.   Remember named sunhats every day.  Well done to those who have had them every day this week even though it rained. The Sacramental Programme starts today, thank you to the staff who have put up their hand to help run sessions on a Sunday afternoon. We have 65 students enrolled for the programme which is fantastic. Our School Mass is scheduled for this Friday. Fingers crossed for fine weather. The Mass will need to be outside so we are planning on having Mass on the school field at 9.00 am. Students will sit in their teams. If the weather is not fine enough for Mass then it will take

Thursday - Play Based Learning

Kia ora whānau,  The children continue to enjoy our play based learning programme. There is a nice flow between the activities in the 3 classrooms, where the children are meeting different people and building new friendships. Whilst it looks a bit chaotic from the outside, there is some amazing learning, collaboration and critical thinking going on when you look closely. Check out some of the fun the children have been up to: "We've been drawing monsters. We watched a video on the iPad and copied the instructions"  "We built a boat out of the foam blocks" "We are doing a puzzle about the body" "We are looking at things up really close" "We are building a house with colourful windows"  Year 3 Kahikatea Team