Welcome to Week 7 Term 1

 Kia ora, 

We hope you are enjoying the sunshine and have had a fantastic weekend so far. 

Thank you for supporting our fundraiser on Friday, we managed to raise $522 which will be sent to Unicef for Ukraine. 

Last week we started our Structured Literacy programme in the afternoons. Having had a taste of Structured Literacy last year, the children adjusted to the new routine well. We are looking forward to seeing the benefits this programme will have for reading and writing.

We are after some tin cans for a provocation this week. If you have any spares, please send them in with your children. 

Coming up this week: 

  • Monday - Friday is swimming.
  • Monday - Thursday is the Ice Block fundraiser (see below). 
  • Tuesday - Library. 
  • Thursday - Rice Day. 

Messages from Mr MacMillan

Rest assured that we are doing our very best to follow the Covid protocols that the Ministry of Education has set down for us. This includes good ventilation in classrooms and any place that children and staff are. We are sanitising when we enter school and buildings and children Years 4 and up wearing masks indoors. Cleaning surfaces is happening in classrooms during the day and social distancing is applied where practicable. 

Have a lovely Sunday, 

Sophie and the Kahikatea Team. 


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