Weekly Notices, Term 4, Week 9

 Well, it's the final week of the term and Christmas is only 2 weeks away. Thank you to all parents, caregivers and extended whanau for all the work you have put in this year to assist with the learning and progress of your child. School finishes for the year at 12pm on Thursday.

Week 9 at a glance...

No Swimming this week. Please return any library books that are at home.

Monday - End of year School Mass 9am, Children meet their 2023 teacher in the afternoon.

Wednesday - Prizegiving for all classes 9am - 11:30 

Thursday - Last day of school for the year. Missioning of our Year 6s. The day ends at 12pm.

Letter to Santa

Mr Macmillan has said that If children would like to write a letter to Santa, he will set up a letterbox in the hall foyer and children can put their letters in there. There is also a letterbox in the student foyer.

School Magazine

We are publishing a school magazine again this year, and this will be available during the last week of this term. At this stage, there are only to be 100 magazines printed. It will be a great memento of 2021. Orders are taken now with the cost for the magazine being $10.00.

Have a fabulous Sunday and we look forward to a great last week of learning and

fun with tamariki!

Mrs Shelly and the Kahikatea Team.


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