Weekly Notices - Term 4, Week 3

Namaste Whanau. I hope you have had a lovely weekend as we head toward November. It looks like the cold weather might leaving us even though the rain persists! We look forward to increasingly warm sunny days at school so please ensure your child has a hat at school every day as they must be wearing it in term 4 when playing outside. We only have a limited supply of spare hats at school. Year 3 teachers have been assessing the progress of our tamariki to gauge where to next for the rest of the year and ensure that the reports are accurate. This has seen some changes to our normal daily routines. We are continuing to develop their independence in managing self through the must do element of their learning. It's been fabulous to see how conscientious and thirsty for learning some students are. We will start setting personal daily goals in class this week to support further development in this area.

Farewell Niklaus! 

Niklaus and his family head to Wellington to live next week and we wish them all the best on their new adventure. We will miss you all but know that you will have a great time in the windy city. Please keep in touch! 

Welcome Serene and Sayumdi!
This term we have welcomed two new students to our class. Both girls are adjusting to life in Rotorua well and we love having them in our team.


This week we have swimming with coaches from the Swim School so please remember to bring along swimming attire, and a towel every day this week. Other items that can help make the experience more pleasurable for the tamariki are goggles and a swim cap. Please also make sure that all uniform items are clearly named to avoid potential loss or confusion in the changing rooms. We will be swimming even if the weather is wet. If your child is unable to swim, they will need a note from their caregiver to excuse them from this activity.

Grandparents and Grandfriends Mass

Friday we had our Grandparents' / Grandfriends' Mass and that was a wonderful occasion too. It was great to have Andrew Chinn playing alongside Mrs Tiedt. I heard from a parent that her parents, new to the area, had swapped phone numbers with four other Grandparents and intend to catch up with them for coffee later on. There seemed to be a lot of food for morning tea so it was awesome that parents supported this day. A huge thank you to Mrs Mines and Mrs Dobson for organising the day for us.

Andrew Chinn

Andrew Chinn was awesome and the children just loved his workshops and concert. Andrew was blown away by the children’s singing at Mass. One of the songs he stopped singing so he could just enjoy hearing them sing.

Returning Student

We have a student returning to school on Monday who has had cancer.  He has been away since 2021. His immunity has been compromised due to the treatment he has received and he is particularly susceptible to chickenpox and measles. 

Any cases of chickenpox or measles, in the school community, need to be reported to the school office immediately to ensure his health is not compromised. 

He is looking forward to coming back to school as are his friends.

Colour Fun Run

Colour Fun Run - Order your prize

The last day to order your prize is Monday 31 October, please log in to your profile at

https://app.schoolfundraising.co.nz and order it. 

Teacher Only Day

We have a Teachers’ Only Day on Monday 7th November. There will be no school for children on this day. If you require after-school

care you can ring Maryanne Roling from Glenholme Afterschool Care. Mary Anne’s contact number is

347 0709 or 0211 215599

Holiday Reading Log

Holiday Reading Logs are due now.  We will have a lucky draw at our next assembly.

Term 4 Dates

Friday 4th November Year 6 Retreat Day

Monday 7th November. Teacher Only Day

Friday11th November. Kahui Ako Ahurei at JPC. Junior and Senior  Kapa Haka performing 

Friday 18th November. JPC Orientation Day for Year 6s

21st -25th November.  Camps in Taupo for Totara students ( 5 & 6)

Tuesday 6th December Junior Tryathlon 11.00 am Year 0 to 3 at school

Thursday 8th December Tryathlon/Swimming Sports for Years 4 to 6 at Aquatic Centre

Monday 12th December End of year Mass. 9.00 am

Tuesday 13th December Big Day In (Y6) 

Wednesday 14th December Prizegiving - 9:30-11:30 

Thursday 15th December Missioning - 11-12:00

Thursday 15th December Last Day of the term

Events to note for Week 3:

Swimming - Everyday

Thursday - All Saints/All Souls Liturgy 

Thursday, 3 November12:15 – 12:45pm

Friday - Last day of the week!

Please check the blog, school app and weekly notices to ensure that you keep informed about all that we are doing at school this term. It is going to get even busier as the term progresses and I would hate for anyone to miss out on anything. If you are having any issues with any of these platforms or need to update your details, please contact me at my email lorettet@stmarysrotorua.school.nz or call the office.

See you all tomorrow with a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eyes.

Mrs Shelly and Team Kahikatea


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