What!? It's Week 8 of Term 4 already?!!! Holy Cats Batman!!!

Week 8 at a glance...

Swimming every day this week. Please return any library books that are at home.

Monday - Big Day In - Mufti, swimming gear, $5 for the lunch.

Tuesday - Tryathlon - bring either a bike or scooter to school if you have one. Library.

Wednesday - Swimming, Principals Luncheon, Kapa haka practice.

Thursday - Swimming, 

Friday - Swimming, Assembly.

Tomorrow we have our "Big Day In!" which is looking to be a super exciting day. Tamariki can wear mufti and will need named swimming gear, towel, drink bottle and a sunhat. The weather is looking glorious so please also ensure that they have sunscreen on if you can and maybe an extra t-shirt should they not have a rash shirt. Our sunscreen stations will be out for children to reapply throughout the day.

On Tuesday Kakano and rooms 15, 16 &17 students will be having their Tryathlon. Children need to bring their bikes or scooters for this event if they have them.

Last week was super exciting in school with the highlight for some of our tamariki being the disco and our newest member in class - the Elf on the shelf. We are waiting for there to be an answer to the question of whether they are a boy or a girl. I just hope that they have better manners than my previous Elf visitors have had!

In room 15 we started to explore the science box all about bumble bees, we made playdoh which has been a huge hit, made some harakeke ika (fish) and whetu (stars) to adorn our class Christmas tree, explored what the time of Advent means and the significance of the wreath and candles as we eagerly anticipate celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Our caught being super kids from Rooms 15, 16 and 17. Tumeke tamariki ma!

Well done to Pascale who was the student who raised the most funds in the colour run! Ka mau te wehi!

Mr Macmillan has said that If children would like to write a letter to Santa, he will set up a letterbox in the hall foyer and children can put their letters in there. There is also a letterbox in the student foyer.

We are publishing a school magazine again this year, and this will be available during the last week of this term. At this stage, there are only to be 100 magazines printed. It will be a great memento of 2021. Orders are taken now with the cost for the magazine being $10.00.

Have a fabulous evening and we look forward to another exhilarating week of learning and fun with your

From Mrs Shelly and the Kahikatea Team.


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