Welcome to Week 2 Term 1

Kia ora!

A big welcome back to all families to the 2022 school year at St Mary's Rotorua. We trust that all parents, caregivers and children were able to have an enjoyable summer break and profit from the warm fine days we experienced. We hope that children are refreshed and ready for a great year of learning in Year 3.

It was great to meet so many families last week at the Meet the Teacher sessions on Thursday and Friday. As we explained, Year 3 classes will be operating a bit differently from past years at St Mary's. We will be running a play-based learning programme in the mornings and Year 3 children will no longer be using their own Chromebooks in class. The three Year 3 classes of Room 15 (Miss Bowie) Room 16 (Mr Bach) and Room 17 (Mrs Tiedt) will be collaborating during play-based learning and in the teaching of reading and maths groups. As such, we will be operating as a separate team to the Year 4 classes in Middle School Kahikatea. Year 4 classes will be involved with project-based learning and the introduction of personal Chromebooks.

As you all know we are now operating St Mary's in an environment where the Omicron Covid-19 strain is present in the community. We will be insisting that children do not come to school if they are sick and any sick children will be sent home. Year 3 children and below are not expected to wear masks in class. If Omicron enters the school it may be necessary for individuals and their contacts, including whole classes, to self isolate themselves at home for the required period. If so, children will need to be homeschooled for a time with the support of teachers and the school.

First Day of School

Classes start tomorrow, Tuesday 8th February. The school gates will be opened at 8:25 and children are to come straight to their classrooms. Parents and caregivers should only come on-site for urgent matters and must sign in and wear a mask. If you wish to see your child's teacher please contact them first before coming into school.

Diocese Commissioning Mass

The Diocese Commissioning Mass is on Tuesday 8th February at 6.00pm at the Cathedral in Hamilton. St Mary's is not sending any representatives over this year because of Covid but it is going to be live-streamed.


The library is closed this week but should be open for use from next week, week 3.


Don't worry if children's stationery has not arrived yet at home or at school. There is a delivery backlog at the moment. We can cope during the first week without the stationery.

Have a great week

Sophie Bowie and Year 3 - Team Kahikatea.


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