Weekly Notices Term 4, Week 2.

Weekly Notices Term 4, Week 2.

Welcome to Week 2! I hope that you have enjoyed this glorious long weekend with your whanau and are ready to jump into another action packed week of learning and exploring. 

It is the time of the rosary and the tamariki have loved using the beads that we have in class to support with learning their prayers. Some have asked if the can bring their own Rosary Beads into class. This is absolutely fine with me but only if they have permission from their special people and feel that they can look after them carefully while at school as I can not oversee that while teaching.

Well done to the chess competitors and thank you to Mr G for his work with the team. We treasure all you do with the Tamariki!

How cool was the colour run on Friday?! Thank you to those families and friends that came to cheer us on and help us on the day!

Events to note for week 2:

Swimming - Everyday

Athletics - Year 4 only

Friday - Grandparents/Grandfriends Mass 9am.

Saturday - Working Bee. 

Colour Fun Run

Thank you everyone for your support for our Colour Run. It was an awesome event and lots of fun. There are lots of photos on our Facebook page

You are able to go online now and order the prizes.   This needs to be done by October 31st.    Prizes will be delivered to school. https://schoolfundraising.co.nz/


This week we have swimming so please remember to bring along swimming attire, and a towel every day this week. Other items that can help make the experience more pleasurable for the tamariki are goggles and a swim cap. Please also make sure that all uniform items are clearly named to avoid potential loss or confusion in the changing rooms. We will be swimming even if the weather is wet. If your child is unable to swim, they will need a note from their caregiver to excuse them from this activity.

Athletics for Year 4 Students Only.

Good luck to our year 4 students competing in the Athletics Day tomorrow! We look forward to hearing about how hard you tried in your events when you return to school.

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Rotorua

Interhouse Athletics

9:00 am – 2:30 pm 

Tuesday 25th October 2022

International Stadium, Ground 2, Devon Street West, Rotorua

Event Overview

  • The Interhouse Athletics is for our middle and senior school students - Years 4, 5 & 6.

  • The Interhouse Athletic Sports will be held at Field 2 by the stadium in Rotorua.

  • Years 4 – 6 students need to be taken to / dropped off at the  International Stadium, ground 2 Devon Street West Rotorua on Tuesday 25th October

  • Students sign in at the stadium gate and then go to their appropriate age group area.

  • Interhouse Athletics will finish at approximately 2:30 pm on Tuesday. Children need to be collected from the International Stadium, ground 2 by 3:00 pm at the latest.

  • Children may come to Interhouse Athletics in their house colours or their school PE gear.

  • Children will need – sunhat, sunblock, warm clothes, lunch & a drink.

  • Should the event need to be cancelled, this information will be put on Educa/App/Facebook by 7:30 am


This Friday we have our Grandparents / Grandfriends Mass, 9am at St Mary's Church, we ask that you find a seat at the church prior to 9 am as children will be sitting with their classes.  We would love to have all our special Grandparents and Grandfriends at school with us on this day.


After Mass, Grandparents are invited back to the classes to share in morning tea with their grandchildren (there will be tea and coffee provided in the hall)  We ask all children to bring a plate to share for morning tea.  



We intend to have a working bee this Saturday, October 29th. There are a number of jobs that need to be done. If you are willing to help, can you please let the office know? The projects include painting, spraying the cobbles, painting wooden  Christmas Trees, building two picnic tables, playground equipment maintenance, replacing a damaged panel on a classroom wall and maintenance work on our unicycles and putting together new unicycles. I’ve been amazed at the support we receive for our working bees and I would really appreciate your support with this one too, please.  Come along and meet other parents and enjoy morning tea and a delicious lunch. Children are welcome also. For catering purposes please let Shanelle know in the office if you can assist, even if it is just for an hour or two.

We have a Teachers’ Only Day on Monday 7th November. There will be no school for children. If you require after-school care you can ring Maryanne Roling from Glenholme Afterschool Care. Mary Anne’s contact number is 347 0709 or 0211 215599

Please check the blog, school app and weekly notices to ensure that you keep informed with all that we are doing at school this term. It is going to get even busier as the term progresses and I would hate for anyone to miss out on anything. If you are having any issues with any of these platforms or need to update your details, please contact me on my email shellyt@stmarysrotorua.school.nz or call the office.

See you all tomorrow, bright eyed and bushy tailed!

From Mrs Shelly!


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