Weekly Notices - Term 4, Week 3 Namaste Whanau. I hope you have had a lovely weekend as we head toward November. It looks like the cold weather might leaving us even though the rain persists! We look forward to increasingly warm sunny days at school so please ensure your child has a hat at school every day as they must be wearing it in term 4 when playing outside. We only have a limited supply of spare hats at school. Year 3 teachers have been assessing the progress of our tamariki to gauge where to next for the rest of the year and ensure that the reports are accurate. This has seen some changes to our normal daily routines. We are continuing to develop their independence in managing self through the must do element of their learning. It's been fabulous to see how conscientious and thirsty for learning some students are. We will start setting personal daily goals in class this week to support further development in this area. Farewell Niklaus! Niklaus and his family head t...