Week 10, Term 3 2022.


Monday, 26 September 2022

Weekly Notice - Term 3, Week 10

 Welcome to Week 10, the last week of Term 3 2022. The October School Holidays start at the end of the week, as does the new fishing season on Saturday the First, so everybody can probably guess what Mr Bach will be doing all day Saturday! I am still battling with COVID that my husband lovingly shared with me, but I hope to be back on deck on Wednesday all going to plan. 

This week we have our School Production, Little Red Rocking Hood that will dominate proceedings, with a Dress Rehearsal on Tuesday and matinee and evening shows on Wednesday and Thursday. The evening shows are sold out but there are still tickets available for the matinee shows. Mrs Trask has done a magnificent job with her organisation and direction of the show and we are looking forward to seeing children in action. Some parents and caregivers still need to send in production clothes for their children. Please see the notice sent home or last week's blog for details.

NETSAFE. Tuesday 5:45pm in Room 14. 


This is an opportunity for our community to get advice from online experts. Help keep yourself and your whanau safe online. This is an open event so please bring your friends and whanau.

Chromebook Programme Meeting for Year 3 Parents and Caregivers

Year 3 Parents: 

Meet at 5:15 pm to hear about our 1:1 Chromebook programme then stay on for the Netsafe presentation.

School Fun Run

Room 16 won the prize of ice cream sundaes for the class by raising the most money last week. Well done Room 16 children.

Xmas Box

We have had a couple of items come through for our charity Christmas box collection. Thanks to the Stahlhut family for their contributions shown by David and Simon below. See the information below if you wish to contribute.

This term we are taking part in Operation Christmas Child. Each class has a shoebox that they will pack with different gifts, prayers, and letters. This will be sent to a child across the world who would not normally receive a gift on Christmas Day. Your child may wish to put a little something special into the box. Look at  “Operation Christmas Child Videos 2022” which has some inspiring videos and ideas.

The Week Ahead

Monday - - Queen Elisabeth Life Commemoration Public Holiday

Tuesday - Dress Rehearsals for the School production

Room 15 and 16 Library

Wednesday - School production Matinee and Evening Show

- Room 17 Library

Thursday - School production Matinee and Evening Show

Friday - - Rollerskating in the hall, sausage sizzle, and juicy $1.50 each  

Enjoy the rest of the long weekend.

Shelly Taylor and Team Kahikatea


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