Welcome to Week 6 Term 3

Good morning on such a beautiful sunny day.  We are now into the second half of this term and on Thursday we are officially in Spring.  Lovely to see the daffodils flowering and blossoms beginning to appear. 

It is going to be a bitter/sweet week in Room 15 for myself as I approach my last day on Friday. I am so sad to be leaving the students but I feel beyond thrilled with Shelly Taylor being the new Room 15 teacher. Most of you were able to meet her during the interviews at the beginning of the term as well as your children. She is a teacher with an enormous heart and passion for teaching. I know that your children will be in the best hands with her. 

Our students were involved in some awesome activities last week, our children just love the mud and wet on the Tough Guy and Gal Challenge and our Chess team played in a NZ Tournament in Tauranga and were placed 2nd and 6th out of 18. The team did very well in what was a tough tournament. On Tuesday we have a group of students playing in a Fluoro Golf Event,  Wednesday a group is playing in an online Chess Tournament, a group playing Chess in Taupo on Thursday and a different group playing on Friday in Rotorua. A 7s Rugby Team is playing a team from Otonga School on Friday afternoon. Amidst all this, we are full steam ahead practicing for our end of term production, Little Red Rockin Hood. The classes are all working very hard on their dances and the Rock and roll choir on learning all of the songs.

Save the date:

We are celebrating Grandparents Day on Friday 28th October at 9.00 am. We have Andrew Chinn here on that day too so we are hoping he will join us at Mass. He is a very talented musician who writes many of the songs that we sing as a school.

Hygiene and Viruses

A reminder that we all need to keep good hygiene measures at the forefront for our children. Please remind children to sanitise as they arrive at school, sanitise as they arrive in learning spaces after interval and lunch and sanitise when arriving back to classrooms from PE etc. We should also be encouraging them to cough into their elbows.

Operation Christmas Child Appeal

Father's Day - Sunday 4th September

Coming up this week:

Monday - Production practice - Room 16

Tuesday - Room 15 Library.  Production practice - Room 17 & Room 15

Wednesday - Room 16 and 17 Library.  Junior Kapa Haka. 

Friday - Golden Time,  Assembly. 

We are going to be having a shared lunch for Golden Time this week. Please send a small item of food along with your child to share with the class. 

Here are a few photos from our provocations last week.

Enjoy this beautiful day and we look forward to seeing all the smiling faces back at school tomorrow for lots more learning and fun.
Lorette Tiedt and Team Kahikatea


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