Welcome to Week 5 Term 3

Morena parents and caregivers on this lovely Sunday morning. The first hints of Spring are in the air with blossoms on trees, longer days, and a slight increase in temperature. We trust everyone is fine and that the big burst of viruses we have had spreading through classes over the first half of the term is nearly at its end. A reminder to keep your child at home if they are sick to halt the spread.

Tough Guy and Gal Challenge

On Thursday a number of children are involved in Tough Guy and Gal Challenge. If your child has registered for this event please make sure you are aware of the information about the day.

Chess Team Cake Stall

A Chess team is traveling to Tauranga on Friday with Mr. G and the Chess Club has organised a cake stall on Thursday at Morning Interval to raise funds for the team.

Junior School Cross Country

On Friday, after interval, Kakano has scheduled the Junior Cross Country, which includes Year 3 classes. Fingers crossed the weather is fine for this event.

Hygiene and Viruses

A reminder that we all need to keep good hygiene measures at the forefront for our children. Please remind children to sanitise as they arrive at school, sanitise as they arrive in learning spaces after interval and lunch and sanitise when arriving back to classrooms from PE etc. We should also be encouraging them to cough into their elbows.

Operation Christmas Child Appeal

Things coming up this week: 

Tuesday - Room 15 Library. 

Wednesday - Room 16 and 17 Library. We also have Kapa Haka. Tough Guy and Gal Challenge.

Thursday - Cake stall - Morning Tea

This Friday (26th) is our Year 0-3 cross country at school. It will begin at 11:20am and all parents are welcome to come and watch. 

Enjoy your Sunday and have a wonderful week!
Sophie Bowie and Team Kahikatea. 


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