Welcome to Week 2 Term 1

Weekly Notices, Term 2, Week 10

Bonjour and welcome to Week 2. I think everyone is sick of the constant rain but the children seem to be coping with it well and fortunately, many morning tea and lunch breaks have been free of rain. The long-term forecast is for a dry and warm Spring so here's hoping. Please ensure tamariki are in the correct named Winter uniform. Some children do not have working headphones at the moment. We do have some spares in class but could parents and caregivers please ask children if they need a new pair of headphones purchased?  It is Cook Island Language Week this week.

School production

We had our first week practising for our school production and it looks like it is going very well. Mrs. Trask is doing a fantastic job as director and is organising the children beautifully.

Bomb Threats

Last week we saw a number of schools around New Zealand targeted by bomb threats. Please be aware that we are taking all possible measures to ensure staff and children know what to do if St Mary's is targeted. It seems that the threats are coming from overseas and are not genuine. It is of course important that all such threats are taken seriously.

Dance Back to Class Day

Friday is dance back to class day. Mr. Macmillan will have some pizza vouchers to give out to the most enthusiastic dancers. One pizza per prizewinner and they can share their pizza with a friend.

Reading Log Draw

Friday will also be the Holiday reading draw so can parents and children ensure that reading logs are back by Thursday at the latest.

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

Parent-Teacher-Student 3-way conferences are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday. If you have not done so already please make a booking using the instructions given below. If you need more time than the 10 minutes allocated please arrange with me for another meeting, at a later date. Teachers have a schedule to follow and in order for it to be fair for everybody, we need to adhere to this schedule.


Things coming up this week: 

Tuesday - Room 15 Library. Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences 2:30-6:00pm.

Wednesday - Room 16 and 17 Library. We also have Kapa Haka. Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences 3:10-5:20pm.

Friday - Pacifica, choir, golden time. 

Have a great Sunday, we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.
David Bach and Team Kahikatea.


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