Welcome to Week 10 Term 2

Good evening and welcome to Week 10, the last week of term.  It has been a busy term with many activities and lots of progress made with learning.  

Thank you to those who attended the Matariki dinner on Thursday night.  It is an event we look forward to and again, it was a big success.  Next year will be our 10th time putting this on.  

We have enjoyed watching the children learning through play and would like to ask for help in collecting the following items if you have them lying around not being used.                    Boxes and recycling
We all have recycling and the children love to use these materials in their artwork.  We always have the need for these materials.
What is useful

* Cereal Boxes

* Egg cartons

* Clean yoghurt containers 

* Bottle tops. Milk, beer etc

* Old newspaper, flyers, magazines etc

* Fabric pieces

* Wool-off cuts

* Untreated wood off cuts

If you have something that you are not sure of please check with the teachers,

Other things we are collecting for our mud kitchen 

* Old pots and pans

* Old kitchen equipment

  • Buckets, spades, spoons, rakes, sieves
Many thanks for your help with this.

What is happening this week
  • Tuesday - Room 15 Library.
  • Wednesday - Room 16 and 17 Library.
  •                      - Principal's lunch
  • Friday - Pacifica, Choir, Golden Time and Room 15 Assembly. 

School production

ROCK N ROLL SINGERS GROUP - If you are interested in being part of this group, there is a Sign-up sheet at the student counter. There will be more information in Term Three / Week 1!

Keep warm and healthy and enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Sophie Bowie and Team Kahikatea


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