Welcome to Week 4 Term 2

Kia ora parents and whānau, 

Pink Shirt Day was a great success - thanks for supporting this. Please keep the antibullying message alive; it is essential that the Pink Shirt Day is not just a one day wonder. We celebrate diversity in all forms and we want our school to be safe, supportive, welcoming and inclusive for everyone. We need to remind our students to be kind. 

Some reminders from Mr Macmillan

- We have Ascension Liturgy in the hall at 10.15 am on Wednesday. This is being led by the Totara team.

- Tuesday 7th June is a Teacher Only Day. The Teachers at St Mary’s will be joining John Paul College for this day’s focus of ‘Matariki’. There will be no school for children on this day. If you require childcare you can contact Maryanne Rolling on 0211 215599.

The week ahead

Monday: Fun Gym at lunchtime - girls bring a change of clothes

Tuesday: Book Club at lunchtime, Library Room 15

Wednesday: Ascension Liturgy, Library Rooms 17 and 16

Thursday: Normal School day

Friday: Sausage Sizzle & Juicies $1.50 each 
Choir - 12 o'clock in the hall
Rollerskating club at lunchtime

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday
See you tomorrow.
Sophie Bowie and Team Kahikatea


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