Welcome to Week 3 Term 2

Kia ora, 

It was great to catch up with parents and caregivers at the teacher-parent-child conferences last Tuesday and Wednesday. The children are generally making good progress despite the interruptions due to covid. 

Class Photos

Class photos are tomorrow - Monday. Could parents please ensure that children come to school in the correct uniform, including wearing a named jumper and having hair tied up where necessary?

Structured Literacy Parent Information Meeting

Are you curious about the new approach to spelling and reading taking place at school? You may have learnt a little about this at your parent conference last week. 

Come along and learn about the structured literacy approach, what this means for your child and how you can support their learning at home.

Our consultant, Marion Kirby from Learning Matters will give you a brief overview of how the brain learns to read - you may learn a thing or two yourself!

See you upstairs in the Staffroom at 3.15 pm Wednesday the 18th of May. Tea, Coffee and snacks provided. 

Teacher Only Day 

There is a Teacher Only Day June 7th, there will be no school on this day. If you require child care you can contact Maryanne Rolling on 0211 215599. 

Principal For the Day

This week the PTA is running a raffle. The main prize is Principal for a day, this is usually a silent auction at the Gala, but with that not going ahead, we thought we would try a raffle. It is running Monday-Wednesday this week and it will be drawn next Friday. The children can have as many entries as they wish.

Sophie Bowie and Team Kahikatea


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