Welcome to Week 11 Term 1

Welcome to the last week of Term 1, with the term ending on Thursday. The Easter holiday begins on Friday with Good Friday. It has been a long and challenging term with covid-19 sweeping through the country and disrupting learning at St Mary's. Many children and some teachers became infected and needed to isolate at home. Nevertheless, we have been pleased with the progress children have been making with their learning and their social skills this term.

Washing of the Feet Liturgy

On Thursday we have the 'Washing of the feet Liturgy', although due to covid-19 protocols we are still unable to celebrate this as a school, nor have parent involvement. 

This week is an important week in the Catholic Church generally. Holy Week began today with the commemoration of Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, climaxing with the commemoration of the Mystical or Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and the Passion of Jesus on Good Friday. Holy Week concludes with Christ's rest in death and descent into Hades on Holy Saturday.

Reading Log Draw

There will be another reading log draw these holidays although it will be run slightly differently. The class with the highest percentage of participants will win a pizza and chips lunch. 


At the start of Term 2 children must be in winter uniform. Uniforms can be bought from our uniform shop. The shop is open Monday at 8.30am, Wednesday at 2.30pm, Friday at 8.30am and on Monday, the first day back in Term 2, at 8.30pm. I want to make sure our students are wearing the correct uniform in Term 2. 


Year 3 classes are swimming again this week. This will be the last week of swimming until term 4. Please make sure your children brings their togs every day to make the most of this learning opportunity while the daytime temperatures are still warm.

Have a great week and enjoy the school holidays.

Sophie Bowie and Team Kahikatea


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