Kia ora koutou, Welcome to week 4, we hope you have had a lovely weekend thus far. The year 3's have settled really well into school and have adjusted to classroom routines beautifully. Last week we introduced guided reading into our morning programme and this week guided maths groups will take place as well. As posted last week, Maths Whizz is able to be used at home. Sunshine Classics will also be up and running this week. Last week, the children completed their own statistical investigation. When learning about tally marks, we used the different coloured cars on Ranolf Street to collect data. On Friday, your children were sent home with their Pepeha and the following notice: Kia ora whānau, The children in Room 15 are writing their pepeha and need a bit more information. With so many wonderful cultures in our school, I am unfamiliar with the landmarks in some countries. If you could help your child find out what the closest maunga (mountain) and awa (riv...